

20 June 1932

Marked the first step towards Thailand's leading non-life insurance company called "Muang Thai Insurance Public Company Limited"

We were founded from the merger between Phatra Insurance Public Company Limited with a long- standing experience since 1932 and Muang Thai Insurance Company Limited, by growing together through several milestones such as the pioneering, the development and the continuous growth. On June 20, 2008, therefore it is a day where 2 companies united and joined forces marking as one important event in the history of insurance business. This is to increase strength and competitiveness in operating business and providing service. Both companies had their own strength and expertise. Thus, this unification can lead Muang Thai Insurance Public Company Limited moving towards to the stable growth and maintain the 5th ranking in the non-life insurance industry. Stepping into the digital age, we have fully committed to achieve sustainable growth in order to be the leading non-life insurance company in Thailand.

Our goal and commitment is to become the leading and stable non-life insurance company
with a registered capital of 590 million Baht as a listed company. We are a professional insurance company
as well as being a non-life Insurance company with ethics, transparency and good governance for Thai people.

Muang Thai Insurance Public Company Limited has continuously gained trust from our customers, business partners and the public.

Muang Thai Insurance Public Company Limited has continuously gained trust from our customers, business partners and the public. With the outstanding identity as Thai non-life insurance company that has been adhering to transparency and good governance and caring the society. All executives and employees are always aware of the importance and adhere to the aforesaid principles. With the efficient business operations plus the honest service provided to the customers, our reputation therefore becomes well-known and acceptable among the public

Awards of Honor and Pride

Muang Thai Insurance Public Company Limited has firmly maintained the ranking at the 5th place in non-life insurance industry. With the prestigious awarded to the company by many agencies that reflect the confidence of the public and demonstrate the dedication to operate our business under the principles of good governance. Therefore we will, side by side, strive to drive our business and Thai society to grow with sustainability.


Muang Thai Insurance Company received 2 awards from Monograph Magazine (BrandAge subsidiaries) for #2 Most Admired Company of the Year 2023-2024 and #3 Most Admired Brand 2024


Social Contribution Award: Corporate of the Year Award for business operating alongside good social contribution side by side with Thai people for over 9 decades from The People Awards 2024 Event


“2023 Thailand's Most Admired Company”
From BrandAge subsidiaries, Monograph Magazine, MTI was ranked #2 Top Best in General Insurance Industry and #7 Top Best in Business Performance out of 23 Thai industries group selection


Non-life Insurance Company with Positive Image Contribution to the Insurance Business Award 2022 from the Prime Minister's Insurance Award Event 2023 conducting by OIC


- Magnifying award under the STRONG Project - Self-sufficiency and Anti-corruption by Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission
- Award for Non-life Insurance Company which builds the good image for the non-life insurance industry in 2019 (Prime Minister’s Insurance Awards 2020) by the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC)


"2019 Thailand's Most Admired Company" by Monograph Magazine (Brandage Group) as the No. 1 company in the non-life insurance sector in terms of innovation, corporate social responsibility, business operation, corporate image and management


- Building a Good Society Award by Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
- "2018 Thailand's Most Admired Company" by Monograph Magazine (Brandage Group) as the No. 1 company in the non-life insurance sector in terms of innovation, corporate social responsibility, business operation, corporate image and management


Award for Non-life Insurance Company with Outstanding Management (Third Place) in 2017 by the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC)


- Award for Non-life Insurance Company with Outstanding Management (Third Place) in 2016 by the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC)
- Supporting the Disabilities Award in 2016 by Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
- Awards for the company that supports support the kiosk project for people with disabilities


- Supporting the Disabilities Award in 2015 by Ministry of Social Development and Human Security
- Award by the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC) 2015


Award for Non-life Insurance Company with Outstanding Management (Third Place) in 2014 by the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC)


Supporting the Disabilities Award in 2013 by Ministry of Social Development and Human Security


Award for Non-life Insurance Company with Outstanding Management (Second Place) in 2011 by the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC)


Award for Non-life Insurance Company with Outstanding Management (Third Place) in 2010 by the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC)


Ethics Standard Test Award 2007 by Thai Chamber of Commerce

We are continually moving forward to success along with
Making everyone smiles like our slogan... "Muang Thai Insurance... Smile over Trouble."