Details of coverage

Coverag Code 110* Code 320
Sedan-Asia/Pick-up 4 door Pick-up 2 door
No. of insured seats (driver and passengers) 7 seats 3 seats
Third party liability
  1. • Covers life/body of the third party (THB/person)
  2. • (including passengers in the insured car) (THB/occurrence)
  3. • Covers the third party's property

  1. 1,000,000
  2. 10,000,000

  3. 5,000,000

  1. 1,000,000
  2. 10,000,000

  3. 5,000,000
Coverage to the insured car
  1. • Damage to the insured car (Deductible)

  2. • Loss/fire

  1. Per sum insured
    (as selected)
  2. Per sum insured

  1. Per sum insured
    (as selected)
  2. Per sum insured
Coverage per an attachment
  1. • Personal accident (MV.01) (THB/person)
  2. • Medical expense (MV.02) (THB/person)
  3. • Bail bond for a driver (MV.03) (THB/occurrence)

  1. 100,000
  2. 100,000
  3. 300,000

  1. 100,000
  2. 100,000
  3. 300,000
Natural Perills Per sum insured Per sum insured

** Premium is based on the premium calculation on our website.

Remark: Depends on detail of insured car, age and specify diver

**Specifying driver's name only for sedan, code 110 (name specifying is not required for pick-up code 320)